This page contains an alphabetic list of partners with a short description and hyperlink to their website. For more detailed and up-to-date information about individual partner projects, please, visit their respective website.
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Attic Inscriptions Online
Inscriptions of ancient Athens and Attica in English translation
Greek Historical Inscriptions
Center for Paleographical and Epigraphical Studies at The Ohio State University
Collection of squeezes, photographs and books
Carmina Latina Epigraphica Online
Database of Mycenaean at Oslo
Divine Epiteths in Hispania
Deutsche Inschriften online
Deutsche Inschriften online
EDEp (Editionstools für eine Digitale Epigraphik)
A free online tool for the digital edition of inscriptions
EMILI (Early Medieval Irish Latinate Inscriptions)
A digital corpus of inscriptions in early Irish and the Insular Latin script
Epigraphische Datenbank zum antiken Kleinasien
Greek & Latin inscriptions from Turkey
Epigraphic Database Bari
Epigraphic documents of Christian patronage
Epigraphic Database Clauss Slaby
Database of Latin inscriptions
Epigraphic Database Falsae
Electronic archive of forged ancient inscriptions
Epigraphic Database Heidelberg
Latin inscriptions of the Roman Empire
Epigraphic Database Roma
Epigraphic documents from Italic Regions
Epigraphic Database Vernacular
Epigraphic Database Vernacular
Epigraphica 3.0
Digital corpus of Roman inscriptions from Ourense province
Epigraphica Romana
Recent Epigraphic Editions
Europeana EAGLE
Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy
Keltische Götternamen in den Inschriften der römischen Provinz Germania Inferior
Greek Inscriptions Online
Translations of Ancient Greek inscriptions into Modern Greek
Hispania Epigraphica Online
Epigraphic patrimony of Portugal and Spain
International Digital Epigraphy Association
Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie
Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica
Online Edition of Greek inscriptions from Libya
Inscriptions of Israel / Palestine
Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine from the Persian period through the Islamic conquest
Inscriptions of Sicily
Restoring and attributing ancient texts using deep neural networks
Languages and Cultures of Ancient Italy. Historical Linguistics and Digital Models
Digital repository for the collections of epigraphic squeezes
Last Statues of Antiquity
Database for Late Antiquity Statues
Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of the Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age
Mapping out the poetic landscape(s) of the Roman Empire
Muzeul Județean de Istorie și Artă Zalău
History and Art County Museum of Zalău
Muzeul Național al Banatului: MNaB
National Museum of Banat
Harnessing digital technologies to transform understanding of ogham
Geography and Economy of the Imperial Properties in the Roman World
Latin and Greek inscriptions (Institut Ausonius)
Roman Inscriptions of Britain
Epigraphic patrimony of Britain
Scroll in Hand
An Attempt to Explain a Common Iconographic Motive of Roman Funeral Representations
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (SEG)
Greek inscriptions with critical apparatus
Sylloge Inscriptionum Religionis Africae Romanae
The Ancient Graffiti Project
Digital resource of graffiti of Herculaneum and Pompeii
TEI/EpiDoc platform of medieval epigraphic material from France
Portal of papyrological and epigraphical resources
Ubi Erat Lupa
Images of stone monuments
U.S. Epigraphy Project
Venice Squeeze Project
Collection of epigraphic squeezes of the Laboratory of Greek Epigraphy of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
VM Los Bañales
Museo Virtual – Los Bañales
VM Santa Criz
Museo Virtual – Santa Criz