Dear members of the community and friends of digital epigraphy,

The ninth workshop will take place in Aarhus (Denmark) from 2-4 April 2025. The workshop will be hosted by the Past Social Network Project and the Social Resilience Lab, Department of History and Classical Studies at Aarhus University, supported by the Center for Humanities Computing, and by The Museum of Ancient Art, Aarhus University.

The workshop traditionally brings together researchers and enthusiasts of digital epigraphy to discuss the current trends and issues of the discipline (see for details of previous workshops). The meeting will include presentations and a poster session, as well as training sessions and meetings/hackathons of the existing working groups. We welcome any proposals for meeting activities adapted to a variety of formats:

  • Research papers for scholars who want to present their project or results
  • (a) proposals for participation in the thematic panel Social networks and epigraphy, see link for details.
  • (b) on any other topic of potential interest to the community
  • Posters to present news, education projects, updates on existing projects etc.
  • Hands-on sessions. We are exploring different options such as hackathons and presentations of a new tool followed by training. If a group thinks it would be useful for the community, we encourage you to present a proposal. If you would like to offer more extended training, please, reach out, so we can accommodate you.

Participation: The meeting will be planned as an in-person event but with the option to attend and discuss some parts of the programme remotely. Additionally, we may record some of the presentations and talks and make them available via the YouTube channel, as well as place the posters on the website. Presenters are welcome to upload their contributions to Zenodo and link them with the community, see Publication for details.

Bursaries: We are currently investigating the option to provide financial assistance to PhD students and independent researchers interested in presenting in person at the workshop. Please indicate in the submission form if you would like to be considered. We will provide updates on the websites in November.

Publication: In accordance with the FAIR principles, as a community strongly supports the publication of all contributions on Zenodo under the umbrella of the community, which allows assigning unique DOIs to the publications and enhances their accessibility. We encourage the participants to publish their presentations, posters and other content on Zenodo and link them to the community.

We are currently investigating publishing the most interesting and conceptually challenging contributions as an edited volume dedicated to a) social networks and epigraphy, or more broadly, b) digital approaches in epigraphy. Interested contributors should be able to deliver a draft of their paper by mid-2025 for the volume to be published in 2026 as part of the Aarhus Studies in Mediterranean Antiquity, Aarhus University. Please indicate your interest in the attached form.

Submit your proposal: If you would like to participate in the workshop in Aarhus, please fill in the attached form and upload your abstract (250 words for papers and posters, 500 words for hands-on sessions) before November 15th 2024. The Steering Committee will notify selected participants and circulate a provisional program by the end of December.

Proposal submission form

We are very excited to see you in the happiest city in the world (according to the Happy City Index in 2024).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Steering Committee (

Members the Steering Committee and the local organisers