A Collaborative Environment for Digital Epigraphy
Mission Statement
Epigraphy.info is an international open community pursuing a collaborative environment for digital epigraphy, which facilitates scholarly communication and interaction. We apply FAIR principles to epigraphic information in order to efficiently create, use and share it among researchers, students and enthusiasts around the globe. The Epigraphy.info community works to gather and enhance the many existing epigraphic efforts, and serves as a landing point for digital tools, practices and methodologies for managing collections of inscriptions.
Key concerns include:
- Identification, creation, and dissemination of agreed-upon guidelines, standards, and best practices;
- Preservation, reuse, and update of existing and emerging datasets providing the most up-to-date versions of inscriptions;
- Providing a toolset for searching, analyzing and editing inscriptions and their metadata by both human and machine;
- Services for citation, revision and exchange.
Epigraphy.info will not replace existing digital resources; it intends to be a hub for a fruitful exchange of epigraphic data and digital solutions that will benefit all epigraphers.
Download the text of our Mission statement (PDF).
Statement of Intent of the Handling of Unpublished Inscriptions
During the fourth epigraphy.info workshop (Feb. 19th - 21st 2020, Hamburg) the community has reached an agreement and issued the Statement of Intent of the Handling of Unpublished Inscriptions.

Latest news
CFP for Epigraphy.info IX workshop in Aarhus
Dear members of the Epigraphy.info community and friends of digital epigraphy, The ninth Epigraphy.info workshop will take place in Aarhus (Denmark) from 2-4 April 2025. The workshop will be hosted by the Past Social Network Project and the Social Resilience Lab, Department of History and Classical Studies at Aarhus University,...
Programme of the Epigraphy.info VIII workshop in Berlin & registation
Dear members of the Epigraphy.info community and friends of digital epigraphy, The programme of the next Epigraphy.info VIII workshop in Berlin (3-5 April 2024) is officially published and registration is open until 25 March 2024. You can access the programme here or on the workshop’s website (https://epigraphy.info/workshop_8/). Some parts of...
Call for papers Workshop on Machine Learning for Ancient Languages
1st CfP: Workshop on Machine Learning for Ancient Languages (ML4AL) @ACL 2024 On behalf of the Organising Committee, it is my pleasure to circulate the 1st Call for Papers for the Workshop on Machine Learning for Ancient Languages (ML4AL 2024). The Workshop is co-located at ACL 2024 and will take...
Call for papers and posters for the eighth Epigraphy.info workshop in April 2024
Dear friends of Epigraphy.info! The eighth Epigraphy.info workshop will take place in Berlin (Germany), from 3-5 April 2024, hosted by the Department of Digital History at the Humboldt University of Berlin, and with the courtesy of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW). We are planning an open meeting...
Release of the EDEp editor for active testing
Release of the EDEp editor for active testing Dear community of Epigraphy.info, We are glad to finally release the EDEp editor for active testing: https://edep.adw.uni-heidelberg.de In the section ‘Demo’ you will find examples of editions provided by us. In the section ‘Workspace’ you can create and save new entries in...